1 |
Updated strategies for monitoring and assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2023 |
Shelf Location: ECE TD353.U5U6 2023.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
2 |
Glossary of market surveillance terms [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2023 |
Shelf Location: UNECE TS175.U5G55 2023.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
3 |
Conference of European statisticians: road map on statistics for sustainable development goals [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HC79.U5C6 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
4 |
Post-pandemic COVID-19 economic recovery: harnessing e-commerce for the UNECE transition economies [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HF5548.32.U5P6 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
5 |
Smart sustainable cities profiles: Norway [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HC79.E5U5 2022.
Available at: University of Mauritius Library.
Number of Holdings: 1.
6 |
World forum for harmonization of vehicle regulations (WP.29) how it works how to join it. [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE TL24.U5W6 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
7 |
Sustainable development goals: halfway to 2030: how many targets will be achieved in the UNECE region? snapshot and insights in 2022 [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HC79.E5H3 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
8 |
Agreement on the international carriage of perishable foodstuffs and on the special equipment to be used for such carriage (ATP) [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE K3626.U5A4 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
9 |
Covid-19 recovery action plan for informal settlements in the ECE region [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HD7287.95.U5C6 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
10 |
Approaches to measuring social exclusion: prepared by the UNECE task force on the measurement of social exclusion [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HM1136.U5A6 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
11 |
Innovation for sustainable development: review of Uzbekistan [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HC800.U5I5 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
12 |
The water convention: 30 years of impact and achievements on the ground [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE TD385.U5W3 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
13 |
Handbook on forms of employment [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HD5741.U5H3 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
14 |
Carbon neutrality in the UNECE region: integrated life-cycle assessment of electricity sources [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE TD885.5.C3C3 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
15 |
ADR applicable as from 1 January 2023: agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road ; volume I [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee
2022 |
Shelf Location: ECE KJC6011.U5A2 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
16 |
ADR applicable as from 1 January 2023: agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road ; volume II [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee
2022 |
Shelf Location: ECE KJC6011.U5A2 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
17 |
Europe's environment: the seventh pan-European environmental assessment [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HC240.9.U5E8 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
18 |
Implementation of the UNECE strategy for ESD across the ECE region (2015-2018) [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HC800.U5I4 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
19 |
Engaging young people in the implementation of ESD in the UNECE region: good practices in the engagement of youth in education for sustainable development [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE LB2342.U5E5 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.
20 |
Railways at the centre of a post-pandemic recovery: measures to support international rail carriers [Reference Book]
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2022 |
Shelf Location: UNECE HE2561.U5R3 2022.
Available at: UoM Library/Reference Collection.
Number of Holdings: 1.